Hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin for eye drops

Despite rapid advances in ocular drug delivery over the past few decades, relatively few products have entered clinical trials and even fewer have been commercialized. Although there are effective drugs on the market, the bioavailability is low, usually less than 5%, so the treatment is not very effective.

Lipophilic drug delivery can be facilitated by the use of cyclodextrin to improve its solubility in eye drops. The structure of cyclodextrins includes a hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic surface, and the ability to form inclusion complexes with hydrophobic drug molecules, making them usable in ophthalmic pharmaceutical formulations. Currently, there are three cyclodextrin-containing ophthalmic drugs approved and on the global market: Clorocil 1% with methyl beta cyclodextri, Voltaren Ophtha 0.1% with hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin, and Indocollyre 0.1% with hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin.

At present, methyl beta cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin produced by Shandong Binzhou Zhiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. have obtained CDE record. The pace of ophthalmic drug research is very fast, and it is believed that we will find an effective topical preparation for the treatment of anterior ganglion disease in some time in the future.
